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Bar Mitzvah Gifts

To Learn Torah Trope, Torah Blessings, & More!



Parsha & Haftorah Leining

(reading from the Torah) easy!!

The longest-lasting investment in your Bar Mitzvah planning is the student's learning the Torah trope to be able to read his Torah portion and Haftarah. That's because learning to read from the Torah, also known as leining, doesn't stop after one's Bar Mitzvah.

" Bar Mitzvah" literally translates to "son of Mitzvah"; it means that the student is now of age to begin keeping the Mitzvot of the Torah. So it is just the beginning of a Jew's affiliation with Torah study. Leining is something he will always come back to and hone, to grow old with. Each week there is the weekly Torah reading (parashat hashavua), an opportunity to apply what he has learned. Each year he'll say "This is my Bar Mitzvah parsha", and chime in with the Torah trope melody he learned for his Bar Mitzvah.


With Darga's unique cd and software-based instructional method, leining is now within reach. Learn the Torah blessings, Haftarah blessings, Torah trope, Tehillim, Megillot & much, much more. Darga puts the tools to help with your Bar Mitzvah prepartion at your fingertips. Darga is designed for Bar Mitzva boys, professional readers, and is suitable for people of all ages and levels.

With Darga you can:
  • Listen to recordings of the Torah, Haftarah, Tehillim, and the Five Scrolls.
  • Download recordings of the Torah, Haftorah, Tehillim, and the Five Scrolls.
  • Purchase software, CDs, and books to help learn the basics of reading from the Torah, as well as software and CDs of your Torah portion and Haftorah.

Looking for Bar Mitzvah Mitzvah ideas? Give one of our software learning kits as a Bar Mitzvah gift!

Megillat Ester software
Sefaradic Yerushalmi Vocalization
price: $29

Megillat Ester software
Ashkenazik – Sefarad Vocalization
price: $29

Download/Listen for Megilat Esther
Moroccan Vocalization - Rabbi Sudri
price: $9

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Set 5 Megilot Mp3
Ashkenazik – Sefarad Vocalization
price: $25

Download/Listen for Megilat Esther
Ashkenazik – Sefarad Vocalization
price: $9

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Download/Listen for Parashat Pekudey
Moroccan Vocalization
price: $17

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Download/Listen for Parashah Maftir and Haftorat Pekudey
Ashkenazik– Sefarad Vocalization
price: $17

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Download/Listen for Parashat Pekudey
Sefaradic Yerushalmi Vocalization
price: $17

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Software for all portions and Haftarot
Ashkenazik – Sefarad Vocalization
price: $119

Software for all portions and Haftarot
Sefaradi Yerushalmi Edition
price: $119

Ta’amei Hamikra Learning Kit
Sefaradic Yerushalmi Vocalization
price: $33

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Ta’amei Hamikra Learning Kit
Ashkenazik – Sefarad Vocalization
price: $33

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